

Fattura {{name}}

{{ email_title }}
{%- if po_number %} {%- endif %}
{%- if shop.email_logo_url %} {{ shop.name }} {%- else %}

{{ shop.name }}

{%- endif %}
Fattura {{ order_name }}
Numero ordine d'acquisto #{{ po_number }}
{% if payment_terms.type == 'receipt' and payment_terms.next_payment.due_at == nil %} {% assign due_date = 'now' %} {% else %} {% assign due_date = payment_terms.next_payment.due_at | default: nil %} {% endif %} {% if payment_terms.type == 'fulfillment' and payment_terms.next_payment.due_at == nil %}

Il pagamento di {{ order.total_outstanding | money }} è dovuto all'evasione dell'ordine

{% else %}

Il pagamento di {{ order.total_outstanding | money }} è dovuto entro il giorno {{ due_date | date: format: 'date' }}

{% endif %} {% if custom_message != blank %}

{{ custom_message }}

{% endif %} {% if checkout_payment_collection_url %}
Paga ora
{% endif %}

Riepilogo ordine

{% for line in subtotal_line_items %} {% endfor %}
{% if line.image %} {% endif %} {% if line.product.title %} {% assign line_title = line.product.title %} {% else %} {% assign line_title = line.title %} {% endif %} {% if line.quantity {{ line_title }} × {{ line_display }}
{% if line.variant.title != 'Default Title' %} {{ line.variant.title }}
{% endif %} {% for group in line.groups %} Parte di: {{ group.display_title }}
{% endfor %} {% if line.gift_card and line.properties["__shopify_send_gift_card_to_recipient"] %} {% for property in line.properties %} {% assign property_first_char = property.first | slice: 0 %} {% if property.last != blank and property_first_char != '_' %}
{{ property.first }}:
{% if property.last contains '/uploads/' %} {{ property.last | split: '/' | last }} {% else %} {{ property.last }} {% endif %}
{% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% if line.selling_plan_allocation %} {{ line.selling_plan_allocation.selling_plan.name }}
{% endif %} {% if line.refunded_quantity > 0 %} Rimborsato {% endif %} {% if line.discount_allocations %} {% for discount_allocation in line.discount_allocations %} {% if discount_allocation.discount_application.target_selection != 'all' %}

{{ discount_allocation.discount_application.title | upcase }} (-{{ discount_allocation.amount | money }})

{% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endif %}
{% if line.original_line_price != line.final_line_price %} {{ line.original_line_price | money }} {% endif %}

{% if line.final_line_price > 0 %} {{ line.final_line_price | money }} {% if line.unit_price_measurement %}

{{ line.unit_price | money }}/ {%- if line.unit_price_measurement.reference_value != 1 -%} {{- line.unit_price_measurement.reference_value -}} {%- endif -%} {{ line.unit_price_measurement.reference_unit }}
{% endif %} {% else %} Gratis {% endif %}

{% assign order_discount_count = 0 %} {% assign total_order_discount_amount = 0 %} {% assign has_shipping_discount = false %} {% for discount_application in discount_applications %} {% if discount_application.target_selection == 'all' and discount_application.target_type == 'line_item' %} {% assign order_discount_count = order_discount_count | plus: 1 %} {% assign total_order_discount_amount = total_order_discount_amount | plus: discount_application.total_allocated_amount %} {% endif %} {% if discount_application.target_type == 'shipping_line' %} {% assign has_shipping_discount = true %} {% assign shipping_discount = discount_application.title %} {% assign shipping_amount = discount_application.total_allocated_amount %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% if order_discount_count > 0 %} {% if order_discount_count == 1 %} {% endif %} {% if order_discount_count > 1 %} {% endif %} {% for discount_application in discount_applications %} {% if discount_application.target_selection == 'all' and discount_application.target_type != 'shipping_line' %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% if has_shipping_discount %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% if total_tip_received and total_tip_received > 0 %} {% endif %}


{{ subtotal_price | plus: total_order_discount_amount | money }}

Sconto sull'ordine

-{{ total_order_discount_amount | money }}

Sconti sull'ordine

-{{ total_order_discount_amount | money }}

{{ discount_application.title }} (-{{ discount_application.total_allocated_amount | money }})



{{ shipping_discount }} (-{{ shipping_amount | money }})


{{ shipping_price | money }}

Imposte stimate

{{ tax_price | money }}


{{ total_tip_received | money }}
{% if total_price > total_outstanding %} {% else %}

Totale aggiornato

{{ total_price | money }}

Già pagato

{{ net_payment | money }}

Importo da pagare

{{ total_outstanding | money_with_currency }}

Importo da pagare

{{ total_outstanding | money_with_currency }}
{% endif %}
{% if shipping_address or billing_address or shipping_method or payment_terms or company_location %}

Informazioni cliente

{% if shipping_address %} {% endif %} {% if billing_address %} {% endif %}

Indirizzo di spedizione

{{ shipping_address | format_address }}

Indirizzo di fatturazione

{{ billing_address | format_address }}
{% if company_location %} {% endif %} {% if payment_terms %} {% if shipping_method %} {% endif %}


{{ company_location.name }}


{% if payment_terms.type == 'receipt' and payment_terms.next_payment.due_at == nil %} {% assign due_date = 'now' %} {% else %} {% assign due_date = payment_terms.next_payment.due_at | default: nil %} {% endif %} {% if payment_terms.type == 'fulfillment' and payment_terms.next_payment.due_at == nil %}

{{ payment_terms.translated_name }}

{% else %}

{{ payment_terms.translated_name }}: dovuto entro il {{ due_date | date: format: 'date' }}

{% endif %} {% endif %}

Modalità di spedizione

{{ shipping_method.title }}
{{ shipping_method.price | money }}

{% endif %}
BALTIC horloge murale silencieuse blanc/hêtre

BALTIC horloge murale silencieuse blanc/hêtre

BALTIC horloge murale silencieuse bleu/hêtre

BALTIC horloge murale silencieuse bleu/hêtre

BALTIC horloge murale silencieuse brick/hêtre

BALTIC horloge murale silencieuse brick/hêtre

BALTIC horloge murale silencieuse gris/hêtre

BALTIC horloge murale silencieuse gris/hêtre

BALTIC horloge murale silencieuse vert/hêtre

BALTIC horloge murale silencieuse vert/hêtre

FLO LED horloge murale LED

FLO LED horloge murale LED

ARIA horloge murale quartz gris métal

Orologio da parete Unilux Aria, diametro cm. 28,5, colore grigio metallizzato, con meccanismo al quarzo.

ATTRACTION horloge murale silencieuse gris métal

ATTRACTION horloge murale silencieuse gris métal

HELLO horloge murale silencieuse beige

HELLO horloge murale silencieuse beige

Horloge murale silencieuse gris métal

Horloge murale silencieuse gris métal

INSTINCIT horloge murale quartz gris métal

INSTINCIT horloge murale quartz gris métal

MAGNET horloge murale quartz gris métal

Orologio da parete Unilux Magnet, diametro cm. 30,5, colore grigio metallizzato, con meccanismo al quarzo.

MAXI POP horloge murale silencieuse noir

MAXI POP horloge murale silencieuse noir

MAXI WAVE horloge murale radio controlled gris métal

MAXI WAVE horloge murale radio controlled gris métal

MAXI WAVE horloge murale radio controlled noir

MAXI WAVE horloge murale radio controlled noir

MEGA horloge murale quartz noire

Orologio da parete Unilux Mega, diametro cm. 57,5, colore nero, con meccanismo al quarzo.

MOON horloge murale quartz aluminium

MOON horloge murale quartz aluminium

NESSY horloge murale quartz noire

NESSY horloge murale quartz noire

ON TIME horloge murale quartz

Orologio da parete Unilux On Time, diametro cm. 30,5, colore nero, con meccanismo al quarzo.

OUTDOOR horloge murale silencieuse gris métal

OUTDOOR horloge murale silencieuse gris métal

PALMA BAMBOO horloge murale silencieuse

PALMA BAMBOO horloge murale silencieuse

POP horloge murale silencieuse bleu

Orologio da parete Unilux Pop, diametro cm. 28, colore azzurro, con meccanismo al quarzo.

POP horloge murale silencieuse gris métal

POP horloge murale silencieuse gris métal

POP horloge murale silencieuse noir

Orologio da parete Unilux Pop, diametro cm. 28, colore nero, con meccanismo al quarzo.

POP horloge murale silencieuse vert anis

Orologio da parete Unilux Pop, diametro cm. 28, colore verde, con meccanismo al quarzo.

POP horloge nmurale silencieuse blanc

POP horloge nmurale silencieuse blanc

STATION horloge murale silencieuse gris métal

STATION horloge murale silencieuse gris métal

TEMPUS horloge murale quartz

Orologio da parete Unilux Tempus, diametro cm. 30,5, colore grigio metallizzato, con meccanismo al quarzo.

WAVE horloge murale radio controlled

WAVE horloge murale radio controlled

WAVE horloge murale radio controlled gris métal

Orologio da parete Unilux Wave, diametro cm. 30, colore grigio metallizzato, con meccanismo radiocontrollato.

WETTY horloge murale quartz

WETTY horloge murale quartz
